Eliana Ceron’s dream

Her life changed when the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios –Uniminuto – arrived in her village, the municipality of Guaitarilla, thanks to the alliance between the educational institution and the SOLREIR- Foundation, Solidarity, Love, and Service, of the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group. Now, she is one of Uniminuto’s students who dream of studying languages and becoming an independent woman. Eliana Marcela Cerón speaks happy and proud of how this educational opportunity can change her future and that of her countrymen: “Our people have been characterized by being very small. You can say that here they have come for short courses, but a university had never come. That has been a total change, as much as for us, as for our entire community of Guaitarilla.” She believes that, with the construction of the new university campus Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte, her municipality will become a university city; the economy, tourism will grow. It is a change that will incentivize other people from nearby municipalities to study and grow professionally. “The campus, as I was looking at the model, is a very nice construction. It is a suitable space to learn, to practice, to continue studying, to get ahead, not to stop for anything,” she says firmly.

A dream called Quinoa

To learn more about the history of Quinoa in Guatarilla, we approach Don José, a farmer leader who devoted his life, body, and soul, to the planting of the food that far from his land they call for his surprise and rejoicing: the grain of gold. However, for him and other families, the famous golden grain has always been the purple and fine grain plant, the plant that grandmothers planted, a symbol of their ancestors’ traditions, and now by the news that come from the healthy food lovers, the food of the future. Future for those who consume it and the future for those who grow it. The QuinuaGuay project has filled them with hope. José Miguel Cerón Benavides is a sensible, secure, hardworking gentleman. And it’s because he has been dedicated to agriculture, quinoa, maize, and wheat for many years of his life, and he is one of the leaders in the sector, in the municipality of Guaitarilla, Nariño. Before, he was only dedicated to sowing wheat; he sold about 2,500 tons, but this business was changing because of the price drop. Due to that situation, Joseph saw in quinoa a hope to fulfill his dreams, to survive, although, he confesses, it is a business that also goes through a complicated present: “At this time, we do not have a collection center and a machine to be able to pillar it or process it, and then take out the market to sell it internationally, to get it out of the country, because I believe that in Europe or in the United States it sells better”. He says that they cannot store the product and it must be sold to the intermediary at a very low price. At first, when they started growing, the price was on average five thousand to seven thousand pesos a kilo. In 2014, it was sold at three thousand pesos. Last year it was a summer season and, in the absence of an irrigation system, the grain did not resist and the production was low. However, José continues with the idea of bringing this market forward. He hopes that, in the near future, the situation will improve, thanks to the work of a group of farmers that is being organized and to the support Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -Uniminuto- and the SOLREIR- foundation, Solidarity, Love and Service, of the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group. “The sowing of quinoa is to obtain resources for our daily lives because, since we are people of the countryside and we have not studies preparation, we have nothing but to continue working the land and cultivate what is presented to us as an alternative. And right now, the alternative is to sow quinoa because they have offered us good buying opportunities,” he says. To do this, the farmers organized themselves in an association and José, as the legal representative, invited his 50 associates, a meeting convened by the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -Uniminuto- and the foundation SOLREIR- solidarity, love, and service, to participate in the project that takes forward a collection center, vital for the business, and gets a machine to process quinoa. “This has a process and you have to give it time, but I think it’s on track and that’s what we’re waiting for,” says the farmer. “I believe we will overcome this difficulty and we will be pleasant. That is what we are waiting at the moment, that our municipality can have a collection center and a machine to be able to work because, if it happens, we would be very well prepared to face this situation. I think we’d all, most people, would plant quinoa,” he adds. Preparing the land José will sow together with Efraín Cerón, Felix Cerón, Nicolás Cerón, Alejandro Benavides, among other farmers. The second phase of the project, possibly in October of the same year, includes the remaining 30 families. “Because the ideal is to sow with all the partners, we are 50 and we are all going to sow and we have to collaborate and help them to make all this happen,” says the leader. Everyone dreams about new opportunities, better prices, trading improvements. “Because if we had a trade, we are sure that we will be able to sell or export it,” says Joseph, “then that would be our livelihood for the future, for the new generations.”

The dream of Iván Andrés Cerón Solarte

” My dream is to become a civil engineer. I am a grateful man with my people (Guaitarilla); I love this town so much and with my studies in civil engineering, I would like to help in the improvement of the town infrastructure so that there can be more touristic places. To be able to take out projects, to do more things to make this town recognized more pleasantly. That it is not only known for being a dangerous town or something like that but that it can also be known for having tourist places. ” This is the goal of Iván Andrés Cerón Solarte, one of the students of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Uniminuto), from the municipality of Guaitarilla, which arrived more than a year and a half ago to the region, thanks to the alliance between the educational institution and the SOLREIR- Foundation, Solidarity, Love, and Service, from the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group, with the purpose of building not only the largest university campus in the region but also to provide the opportunity for growth and fulfillment to the Nariñense society. Currently, Iván is training to become a Professional Technician in Electrical Installations for Buildings in the Uniminuto, where he enrolled hoping to succeed; although, at first, the economic resources he had did not allow him to study. He says that costs were very high. Until he found out that there was a subsidy in the mayor’s office, in agreement with the university. He says that thanks God he was able to start his studies. He also dreams about being independent. He wants to overcome himself and have the opportunity to help his parents and become an example of life, according to him, as Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte: “A man who has given us an example of how to live and get ahead. He was also born in this town, perhaps not having many things, but he knew how to overcome and knew how to lead his life, and now we see that he is a great executive, a great engineer.” Eliana Ceron’s dream Her life changed when the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios –Uniminuto – arrived in her village, the municipality of Guaitarilla, thanks to the alliance between the educational institution and the SOLREIR- Foundation, Solidarity, Love, and Service, of the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group. Now, she is one of Uniminuto’s students who dream of studying languages and becoming an independent woman. Eliana Marcela Cerón speaks happy and proud of how this educational opportunity can change her future and that of her countrymen: “Our people have been characterized by being very small. You can say that here they have come for short courses, but a university had never come. That has been a total change, as much as for us, as for our entire community of Guaitarilla.” She believes that, with the construction of the new university campus Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte, her municipality will become a university city; the economy, tourism will grow. It is a change that will incentivize other people from nearby municipalities to study and grow professionally. “The campus, as I was looking at the model, is a very nice construction. It is a suitable space to learn, to practice, to continue studying, to get ahead, not to stop for anything,” she says firmly.

The dream of John Mario Gómez

Jhon Mario Gómez Solarte recognizes that his town, Guaitarilla, it’s a beautiful and small place in which he never imagined that an educational opportunity as the current provided by the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios –Uniminuto– and the foundation SOLREÍR, Solidarity, Love, and Service, from the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group, would appear. For him, it is a very important change, a project that marks a before and an after: “Before, there were high schoolers who went out and didn’t have a vision, or a path charted. With the arrival of this corporation, we have the opportunity to find programs that give us and show us a series of paths that we can follow to project ourselves. “It is something that we did not expect, but that has helped us a lot during these two years” He always thought that these kinds of buildings and opportunities only appeared in larger cities, such as Pasto and Ipiales, and that he and his fellows had to stay working without the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Today he is a student from the Professional Technician in Electrical Installations for Buildings program, in the Uniminuto. And his dream is to become a professional, someone recognized. And not for having money or for making money as a professional, he clarifies, but for the opportunity to help people, “as Mr. Carlos Solarte has done it , by giving us the opportunity to work, to become professionals, to go further. That’s my dream.” He is also sure that the university is an educational resource that future generations will take advantage of, dreamy and hardworking people; he is convinced that “those people are going to take this town forward and it will be recognized for what it really is: a freedom precursor town in America”.

Minuto de Dios in Guaitarilla

In a constant and vigorous struggle, with hardworking and dreamy people has become the day to day of Cristian Erazo, who has seen how, in almost two years the municipality of Guaitarilla, located in the department of Nariño, has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to a dream educational project. It is the incursion of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de DIos – Uniminuto – to the region, thanks to the support of SOLREIR Foundation; Solidarity, Love and Service, from Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte group. Currently, Cristian is administrative coordinator of the Guaitarilla Tutorial Center which will soon become a modern, innovative university campus. He is one of the teachers who has seen this project grow. At first, he says, it was a bit difficult because the Uniminuto brand had to be established in the region: “we had to visit surrounding municipalities, areas around the municipality of Guaitarilla, but over time, this process has come to a happy term”. At first, there were only 20 students in one program. Currently, there are 160. Cristian says that it is important to highlight two aspects: “The first aspect is quality. Uniminuto has an academic offer according to the needs of the region and guarantees a superior quality, like other institutions”. The second aspect is the economic possibility of accessing to the programs at a fair cost, depending on the payment capacity of the inhabitants of Guaitarilla and, in some cases, with help and incentive of the Municipal Mayor. Now, Cristian is at the expectation of the construction of the Carlos Alberto Solarte Solarte campus. He says it will generate a great response in the region: “I dare say that this is going to be one of the projects that will have an economic, social and cultural impact because, through this campus, people from different regions will be welcomed, which is very beneficial for both the institution and the region.” There will be more offers, even professional careers.

The dream of Alejandra Cerón

Alejandra Cerón graduated from school and she was not sure about studying a new career. After hearing the comments about what the program was and the meaning of studying in Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, in her municipality (Guaitarilla), she decided to enroll in the program Professional Technician in Electrical Installations for Buildings. “I was studying. As soon as I graduated from school, I waited one semester. During that semester, I heard some comments about the program: how was it like, how people felt, how were the classes, and how did they make it; and then I decided to join. I hadn’t done it before because I was studying a catechism and I wasn’t allowed to go on Saturdays.” Now, she recognizes that she feels happy, without regrets, because without the existence of this educational institution, she believes that she would be only working, thinking about cooking, or earning much less money.

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